Saturday, February 2, 2013

With my heart ticking.

I recently came across an idea that made me think to write it down.  It was brilliant and surely life-changing; abstract but very real.  I have forgotten that idea, so here I am in a new and improved place of bloggage (is that a word? It is now. And also please note I was previously a Tumblr-er. Go take a gander if you wish, but you'll find a whole lot of nothings there  In this blog I will attempt (Am I the only one who tries to spell attempt with only one t at the beginning? You'd think after being a college student for two years I'd have that one down...not so much...) to remember something great, and perhaps through many ramblings I will even in fact write it down here for all to see and share and use. 

Best of luck to any who dare to read my inconsistencies,

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