"You don't have to feel sad."
This is interesting to me for many reasons but we'll try to keep it short and sweet (no promises, I'm a rambler). Recently as I was telling a friend the racket that goes on in my empty head she replied with the bolded line above and as I went to rebut her I was at a lost for words. She's right isn't she? Who told us that when something happens we are supposed to feel sad? Who was the very first girl to cry and eat chocolate and not get out of bed for three to five days because her boyfriend turned out to be a piece of shit? Who decided that if life gets hard it is totally acceptable to mope around and feel like crap for days on end before we ever do anything to change the situation? Who wrote it in the national rules of life that sadness is a requirement if we ever want to move on? Because I'm beginning to disagree with all of those who's. I feel a deep and thundering guilt when I leave and there is no sadness that overwhelms me. I keep waiting for it. I sit and I straighten my shirt as I attempt to be prepared for the shit load of sad that is surely supposed to head my way. But why? Why do I have to feel sad for doing what is the absolute best for me? There is no why. Because guess what? You don't have to feel sad. Nobody is requiring you to mourn the end of something bad. We are, however, requesting you to go get the other 10 million women who are eating their feelings, out of bed. They haven't gotten the memo yet, any help is great. Keep your eyes forward and your feet stepping, kiddos. I am officially ridding us of the ridiculous rule that is being sad. That boyfriend, that job, that city, that friend; whatever, whoever it may be that has reached its great end is nothing you have to feel sad over any more. You can now feel free to skip that step, and go straight to hopeful, or naive, or light-headed. Whatever it takes to get you to where you want to be.
Best of luck,
this person sounds smart