Monday, April 29, 2013

The Seven Deadly

My Very Own Seven Deadly Sins
(AKA my top seven movies)

Apparently, my beautiful, loving, sweet sister thinks she has better taste in movies than me. Feel free to laugh aloud whilst throwing your head back violently as I did when I read this statement in her blog.  Being my very own kind of movie buff, I also have a killer list that everyone, and I mean everyone, must watch.  I don't really give a shit what kind of movies you are in to, if you watch my list I promise you amazement and clarity will follow.  I now present to you the seven "must see" movies that sit on my shelf today. (in no particular order because, as Kahtee has stated, that would be an impossible task.)  HOWEVER, BEFORE WE BEGIN.  I must admit that Katie did not get it ALL wrong...movies that would've made my list had over-lapping been allowed?  The Lorax, 50/50, and of course, Mean Girls.  Now, back to my list...which is better...

Inglourious Basterds 

As Katie and I have always said, "Nobody does revenge like Tarantino."  Not only is he my absolute favorite director and writer (sorry Jason Reitman, you're a close second though buddy) but Tarantino defines what an all around 5 star movie means.  Action, love, revenge, great characters, and of course, well, a ridiculous amount of dramatic blood spilling sequences.  Sorry history buffs, this movie does not follow what the books say AT ALL, but instead tells the story of what everyone, especially us crazy American folk, wished would've happened.  Filled with great twists and an even better cast, this movie takes the cake for a "must see".


So, maybe you're not in the mood for killing Nazis.  I get that.  Allow me to present to you the world's best romantic comedy/drama/tear jerker.  I have literally memorized every line, every gesture, every second of this movie.  I absolutely love it and if you have not seen it, you haven't truly lived.  Witty and full of life lessons, this movie tells kids and grown-ups alike just what love, mistakes, and living life the hard way means.  And that sometimes, people aren't always what you expect, but that's ok.  As long as you have your trusty slutty best friend, and a hamburger phone that only works when you shake it.


I KNOW I KNOW. For those of you who have watched this film, you're probably seething in your chair at the sight of this mention.  But let me justify my selection; Phillip Seymour Hoffman vs. Meryl Streep.  BOOM END OF ARGUMENT   Seriously, this could very well be the best mash-up of good vs. evil that movies have ever seen without having any action.  Using just words, this film sums up the human mind, and what it has the ability to make us do, believe, and of course, doubt.  


Never have I ever pooped my pants in a movie theater....except when I saw Inception.  I saw it five times total in theaters and every single time I left with my mind hole blown to smithereens.  This film defines the word mind-f*ck.  Intelligent, heart-wrenching, and beautifully tragic I have never hated or loved a movie as much as I do this one.  It keeps the very hair on the back of your neck standing straight up, and it doesn't go back down until the credits roll.  At which point you will probably pee, pass out, or rage.  All reactions are one hundred percent justified.  Don't feel weird, I did all the order mentioned above.  

A Few Good Men


Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats the script for A Few Good Men.  I could watch this movie on replay all day long.  Not only for the quick and witty writing, but also for the ending.  I am an ending person.  If a movie doesn't end right, I'll cut it out of my life forever; rational or not.  And this movie?  It gives us the ending we deserve.  As a viewer, I am rarely shocked.  This movie electrocuted me straight out of my chair, using simply dialogue and a chilling twist.  

Little Miss Sunshine


Sitting at home, hating yourself?  Feeling down in the dumps?  Wishing you weren't who you are?  Put down the cookies and chips...and pop in this movie.  Nothing quite makes you love yourself as Abigail Breslin.  Nobody else can reassure you that you are doing life right if you're doing what you want like Paul Dano and Steve Carell.  Characters that all make your heart feel just a little bit bigger, and your eyes swell with tears of recognition are what make this movie as great as it is.  Honest, raw, and full of funny even when you probably shouldn't be laughing...

The Great Gatsby

I don't care who you are, you better watch this freaking movie.  Nobody else in the world defined the trueness of human nature quite like F. Scott Fitzgerald.  His novel was brilliant in the way it was unafraid to call out people for what they really were.  Sorry, no love story here, but don't worry!  Instead you can sit back, relax, and watch as you realize that no matter how good someone is, they still have bad in them.  My absolute favorite character development film by far.  Oh and Gatsby isn't so hard to look at either...which helps.

Honorable Mentions:
Marley and Me

I just really love dogs, ok?

Mona Lisa Smile

If you say you don't like Julia Roberts or this movie, you're just a slutty little liar who lies.

Best of luck,